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Jakub Safar Ali

University of Al-Mustansriya, College of Tourism Science, Iraq

13 - 31
Vol. 9, Jan-Jun, 2020
Receiving Date: 2020-01-05
Acceptance Date: 2020-03-24
Publication Date: 2020-04-10
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The research aims to provide a structure of developmental ideas that contribute to helping the operating hotel departments to create an ethical and cooperative work environment in which the efforts of all employees interact in order to achieve the overall strategic objectives and at all levels in the hotel work environment. In the Kurdistan region, the mechanisms of managing the behaviors of the individuals working in it, to form a stereotypical image of the performance of the departments working in the tourism sector, as it prompted the researcher to study the important dimensions that have a significant impact on the level of tourism performance and thus achieve a state of development in the contents of hotel work in one of the most important sites Tourism in Iraq, which can, if invested in the best way, occupy advanced positions in the tourism activity at the regional and local levels alike. In the Kurdistan Region, opinions were addressed through statistical mechanisms and programs SPSS V.27, and among the most prominent findings of the study, it is highly critical of the method or way in which the working individuals view themselves, and thus sought to enhance the perception of the worker and the work by raising the level of the legal idea within the hearts of individuals about the jobs that each of them performs.

Keywords: hotel departments; ethical work climate; kurdistan region

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