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Dr. Nitya Nand

Associate Professor, Department of English, Bapu P.G. College, Pipiganj Gorakhpur, India

49 - 54
Vol. 5, Jan-Jun, 2018
Receiving Date: 2017-12-02
Acceptance Date: 2018-01-20
Publication Date: 2018-02-02
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Tennessee Williams is one of the three major American playwrights; the other two being Arthur Miller and Eugene O’Neil, But if we assess the total range of production and also the Modern American drama, like all great writers, Williams presents a problem that is personal, contemporary and also universal. In depictions of all the Vulgarity. violence, homosexuality. Cannibalism, his view of life seems to be “pessimistic, morbid and tragic”.1 He is considered as the shrewd observer of moral deformity of his age. But all the charges of morbidity and pessimism are irrelevant and unjustified as a careful study of his plays will bring out.

Keywords: Tennessee Williams; Modern American drama; American playwright

  1. Francis Donahue The Dramatic World of Tennessee Williams (New York : Frederic Ungar Publishing Co.1964,) P. 209.
  2. Donald spoto, The Kindness of Strangers: The life of Tennessee Williams (Boston :Tormoto, Little Brown and Co. Limited. 1983). P. XVL.
  3. Tennessee Williams, Where I live : Selected Essays by Tennessee Williams edited Christine R. Day and Bob Wood, (New York : New Direction Publication Corporation. 1971), pp. 44-45.
  4. Gerald Weales, Tennessee Williams (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 1965).p 6.
  5. Francis Donahue, The Dramatic World of Tennessee Williams, p. VILL.
  6. Doston Rader, Cry of the Heart, (New York : Double day and Company. Ine. Garden City 1985): p. 278.
  7. Dan Issac. “Talking with Tennessee Williams” in Conversations with Tenessee Williams . ed Allbert J. Delvin (New York : University Press of Mississippii, 1986) p. 137
  8. Ludwin Eidelberg ed. Encyclopedia of Psychoanalysis (New York : Free Press, 1968), p. 225.
  9. Nancy M.Tischler. Tennessee Williams : Rebellions Puritan (New York : Citadel Press, 1961), p. 299.
  10. David Frost, “Will God Talk Back to a Playwright ? Tennessee Williams” in Conversation with Tennesse Williams, p. 143.
  11. Tennessee Williams Where I live: Selected Essays by Tennessee Williams. P. 897.
  12. Tennessee Williams, “Orpheus Descending (London : Martin Becker and Warburg, 1958), pp. 278-79.