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Dr AKS Rana

Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Vardhman College, Bijnor, U.P, India

85 - 94
Vol. 7, Jan-Jun, 2019
Receiving Date: 2019-03-03
Acceptance Date: 2019-04-12
Publication Date: 2019-04-20
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In general, there are teenagers who are addicted to social networks. Economic problems, psychological disorders and physical incompetence allow people to find comfort in the virtual world away from the real world. However, this situation leads to poor social relationships and isolated people. One of the main reasons for addiction to social networks is the lack of knowledge of the child about the proper use of social networks and the lack of support from parents. There is no definitive diagnosis for this disease because addiction to social networks is defined as spending too much time on social networking sites and cannot control them to access these sites. Therefore, it is very difficult to diagnose the addiction to a person's social networks. In the case of addicts to social networks, the distinction between real life and virtual life becomes blurred and real life almost breaks. If you like forever classic fake watches, you cannot miss the best replica breitling watches UK.
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Keywords: social media; facebook addiction; sociocultural value

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