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Dr. Anjana Vashishtha Rawat

Associate Professor and Head, Department of English, KA PG College, Kasganj UP, India

20 - 29
Vol.11, Jan-Jun, 2021
Receiving Date: 2020-12-13
Acceptance Date: 2021-01-16
Publication Date: 2021-01-24
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The very first thing we know about the teaching learning process how important for future building of a person which ensure the development of society, economy, culture, polity in different ways for a nation. The importance of education was having in ancient period and now it becomes the most powerful influential weapon to introduce and measure the standard of a society or nation. But sudden arrival of covid19 impacted in various field due to lockdown. Educational sector mostly was impacted by the pandemic. Teachers and students faced challenges to adopt new educational method of online teaching learning process through internet. The poor background students have to suffer so many problems for their insufficient facility to get opportunity for education during lockdown. Poor attention of the students, lack of network connection for online classes, tension of parents for their children and evaluation and examination process through online all the factors have brought very negative effect and creates dissatisfaction for teachers, students and parents. We consider they are the three strong pillars of education system to place it on top. It is necessary to understand and identify the problems of students, teachers and parents in different field. Due to covid-19 education suffered at all levels. According to a UNESCO report, as of March 23, over 1.3 billion learners are out of school due to coronavirus. The closure of schools, colleges and universities has disrupted the flow of learning of the students and the existing method of imparting knowledge across the world. Several unforeseen challenges have erupted in the education, which needs to be addressed in a collaborative manner. The education of nine million children across 37 countries is currently at stake. Hope you buy high quality fake rolex watches US here with less money.
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Keywords: Pandemic; lockdown; Covid19; Traditional education system; Online classes; home schooling; video conference; IT devices; smart phone

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