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Dr. Stella Bassey Esirah

St. Joseph Major Seminary, Ikot Ekpene, Affiliate of university of Calabar

28 - 39
Vol. 10, Jul-Dec, 2020
Receiving Date: 2020-05-16
Acceptance Date: 2020-07-05
Publication Date: 2020-07-10
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As has been explicitly shown in this work, the relationship between faith and reason has been a subject of debate from ancient times to the contemporary period. Divergent views have been put forth but no universally satisfying response has been given yet. This research while acknowledging this, contributes to this engaging debate. It defends the stance that, faith and reason cannot give us a true picture of reality; they are two wings upon which humanity could ride to attain complete knowledge. This research is basically explorative, though philosophical tools of critical analysis was also adopted.

Keywords: faith; reason; theology; philosophy; science

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