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Dr. Bushra Ni'ma Rashid

The University of Baghdad, College of Education, Ibn Rushd for Human Sciences, The Department of English, Iraq

1 - 27
Vol. 10, Jul-Dec, 2020
Receiving Date: 2020-05-14
Acceptance Date: 2020-07-03
Publication Date: 2020-07-10
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Grice's theory of Co-operative Principle (CP) as well as conversational implicature are very significant in the analysis of many types of texts. Flouting Grice's maxims has a great effect on the flow of conversation. The problem of this study lies in the fact that flouting Grice's maxims sometimes cause gap in the information especially for the addressee. Moreover, flouting makes conversations more interesting. This study is an attempt to investigate the flouting of Grice maxims by males and females in interviews, especially flouting the maxims of quantity and manner. It is hypothesized that males use the strategy of flouting more than females do in conversations. It is also hypothesized that women, sometimes and in some cases, tend to be brief in their speech. AAA top Canada replica watches at affordable prices can be found from this website.
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An analysis is conducted to selected pieces of speech from two interviews. The researcher has adopted Grice's model, she also limits herself to selected speeches from two interviews (Muir's interview with Clinton and Spiegel's interview with Merkel). Moreover, numbers and statistics are used in order to find out which maxim is flouted more (quantity or manner). The results of the analysis have revealed that the total number of flouting is (34) times, (18) times by Muir and Clinton and (16) times by Spiegel and Merkel. The researcher has used APA (American Psychological Association) style in her research.

Keywords: The Co-operative Principle; Flouting; Concision; conversations; Grice's model

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