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Dr Radhika Kapur

University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

74 - 84
Vol. 7, Jan-Jun, 2019
Receiving Date: 2019-01-02
Acceptance Date: 2019-02-21
Publication Date: 2019-03-02
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The main objective of this research paper is to generate information in terms of structuring of the school environmental conditions. In order to achieve academic goals and objectives and enhance the overall system of early childhood education, it is vital for the members of the schools to work in co-ordination towards structuring of the school environmental conditions. The number of factors that need to be taken into consideration in structuring of the school environmental conditions include, infrastructure, civic amenities, technologies, tools, materials, equipment, classrooms, playground, libraries, sports and physical activities, and overall environmental conditions. It needs to be ensured that these factors are in a well-developed state. Within the period of time, the members of the schools need to ensure that improvements are brought about in them. In order to bring about improvements and ensure that they prove to be advantageous to the overall system of education, the three types of resources, i.e. human, financial and technical needs to be utilized appropriately. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper include, significance of measures to improve the school environmental conditions, measures to structure the school environmental conditions, and significance of promoting structuring of school environmental conditions.

Keywords: Education; Environmental Conditions; Improvements; Measures; Schools; Structure

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