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Upasana Yadav

Assistant Librarian, Ansal University. Sector 55, Gurgaon, Haryana

Dr. Rama Nand Malviya

Chief Librarian, Ansal University. Sector 55, Gurgaon, Haryana

52 - 58
Vol. 7, Jan-Jun, 2019
Receiving Date: 2018-11-17
Acceptance Date: 2019-01-15
Publication Date: 2019-01-24
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Copyright Act provides protection to the authors, artists and other creators for their literary and artistic creations, generally referred to as ‘works’. But with the development and passage of time, some other formats of work are added to this act. This paper describes the history and development of copyright act in India along with its various features and fair use of the work to avoid infringement of the act. Further, it touches upon the fair use of copyright act in the country in digital or electronic era.

Keywords: Copyright; Infringement; Fair Use; Photocopying

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