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Dr. Radhika Kapur

University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

100 - 112
Vol. 4, Jul-Dec, 2017
Receiving Date: 2017-06-22
Acceptance Date: 2017-08-19
Publication Date: 2017-08-23
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The main purpose of this research paper is to acquire information regarding the status of children in India. The journey in the life-cycle of the child involves crucial components, these include, child survival, child development and child protection. Child survival necessitates their basic right of being born in a safe, amiable, pleasant and non-discriminatory environment and their development through the formative years of life in a healthy and dignified manner. Provision of education, health care facilities, adequate diet and nutrition and amenities and facilities renders a significant contribution towards child development. Child protection is safeguarding children from all forms of abuse, mistreatment, exploitation and violence. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper include, demographic profile of children, different situations experienced by children, education, health status, nutritional status, child labour, crime against children, protection of children from abuse and neglect, and national policies and programs for children

Keywords: Children; Education; Child Labour; Malnutrition; Health; Development

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