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Dr Radhika Kapur

University of Delhi, New Delhi, India

87 - 99
Vol. 4, Jul-Dec, 2017
Receiving Date: 2017-06-28
Acceptance Date: 2017-08-02
Publication Date: 2017-08-16
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In the present existence, the significance of education is widely recognized among the individuals belonging to various categories and backgrounds. Quality education is necessary for all the individuals to develop and advance in the knowledge driven world. Most of the current educational curriculum is oriented towards the use of eyesight, hence, individuals, who are visually impaired experience challenges when acquiring education. The challenges experienced by visually impaired can be resolved by the use of technologies, materials, devices and equipment. The availability of human assistance in making them understand the concepts and taking exams is vital. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper are, visual impairment and its impact on learning, adaptive teaching methods for students with visual impairments, challenges experienced by students with visual impairments, challenges experienced by teachers in working with visually impaired students, aspects of learning of visually impaired students and resolution strategies.

Keywords: Visual Impairments; Education; Teachers; Students; Teaching Methods; Learning

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