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The Role Of Human Resources Core Competencies In Raising The Strategic Awareness Of The Tourism Organization - A Case Study In Baghdad Hotel

Eqbal Mahdi Jasam

Al-Mustansiriyah University, College of Tourism Sciences, Iraq

96 - 103
Vol.18, Jul-Dec, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-06-14
Acceptance Date: 2024-09-03
Publication Date: 2024-09-12
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The research aims to identify the role played by the core capabilities of human resources in how to raise the level of strategic awareness in the organization under study by analyzing the relationship between the core capabilities with their dimensions (human capital - leadership - decision-making - empowerment) and the strategic awareness of the tourism organization, as the core capabilities of human resources are one of the important topics that contribute to giving the organization a competitive advantage in the labor market. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach by distributing the questionnaire in the organization under study, where (30) individuals were selected as a sample for the research, and the appropriate statistical scale was used for the research, as the main and sub-hypotheses were prepared to know the role of the independent and dependent variable, and the validity of the role of the core capabilities of human resources in raising the strategic awareness of the tourism organization was proven.

Keywords: Core competencies; strategic awareness

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