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The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Improving the Quality of Educational Services: An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Administrative Leaders in Private Colleges (Al-Mammon University College and Bilad Al-Rafidian University College)

Prof Dr. Muyed Abdul Karim Al-Naqib

College of Administration and Economics / University of Fallujah

Dr. Abdul Azia Barak

University of Bayan / College of Business Administration, Iraq

Prof. Dr. Bassem Faisal Abed Nayef

Al-Mamoun University College, Iraq

71 - 88
Vol.18, Jul-Dec, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-06-06
Acceptance Date: 2024-08-04
Publication Date: 2024-08-16
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This research aims to demonstrate the role, relationship, and impact of intellectual capital on the quality of educational services. The measurement of these two variables relied on the dimensions of each, where the dimensions of intellectual capital were defined as (human capital, structural capital, and relational capital), while the dimensions of the quality of educational services were considered to be (resources, curriculum, reliability, and efficiency). A questionnaire containing (42) items was designed to cover the dimensions of both variables, which were distributed among the research sample members in the studied community, represented by the faculties of Al-Mamoun University and Bilad al-Rafidain University College. A sample of (92) individuals holding higher degrees and assigned to leadership positions in the two colleges was selected, including roles such as (Deputy Dean, Department Head, Department Coordinator).

Keywords: Intellectual Capital; Quality of Educational Services

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