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The Role of Modern Interactive Media in Making Travel Decisions

Zuhier Abbas Azeez

College of Tourism Sciences, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

47 - 70
Vol.18, Jul-Dec, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-05-31
Acceptance Date: 2024-07-15
Publication Date: 2024-08-06
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Interactive media play a significant role in making tourism travel decisions by providing information, opinions, and preferences to a large group of users of these media, which in turn crystallize the decision-making process at its various stages, whether before, during , or after the tourism trip . The research community identified the administrative leaders working in the tourism authority from the level of a responsible department upwards to the rank of general manager, who was selected as part of the study sample. The importance of the research lies in providing a philosophical basis for the nature of the researched variables based on the scarcity of studies linking the role of interactive media in making travel decisions. To achieve this, several main and sub-hypotheses were developed and tested using a set of non-parametric statistical measures, with a questionnaire used as a tool to collect data and information from the research community. In order to achieve the research goal, answer its questions, and test the validity of its hypotheses, the research relied on the questionnaire as the main tool for data collection and information, in addition to other methods such as personal interviews with managers and department heads at the tourism authority. The researcher reached a set of theoretical conclusions that characterized the existing reality in the research community, with one of the most prominent being that interactive media is characterized by being bidirectional, thus differing from traditional media, which are unidirectional. Interactive media is used in making tourism travel decisions, whether before, during, or after the tourism trip.

Keywords: interactive media; tourism; social media

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