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The Problem of Performance and Efficiency in the Evaluation Department of Civil Society Organizations in Iraq After the Year 2003: An Analytical Study

Fatima Ali Abdul Reda

Kufa Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat University, Najaf, Iraq

227 - 239
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-03-05
Acceptance Date: 2024-06-01
Publication Date: 2024-06-15
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10.37648/ijps.v17i01.0 17


The increasing number of civil society organizations, or what is known as "non-governmental organizations," and the diversification of their fields of work and roles are prominent phenomena in post-2003 Iraq. The transformation that occurred during this period, especially on the political level, and the initiation of a new state-building project based on democratic parliamentary foundations have contributed to internal and external support for these organizations. They are gaining constitutional legitimacy as they become a fundamental component facilitating the promotion of civic values on one hand and supporting the state's democratic transition efforts on the other. However, the reality of the achievements of civil society organizations in Iraq after 2003, measured by their large numbers and extensive institutions spread across most Iraqi provinces, along with the modest level of internal and external support they receive, seems to fall short of the aspirations and goals these organizations have set. This research attempts, through a critical analytical perspective, to evaluate the work, activities, and programs of civil society organizations in Iraq after 2003. It relies on performance and functional efficiency criteria, whether regarding their staff or the strategies, plans, and goals that consequently determine the trajectories, tasks, roles, and effectiveness of such organizations.

Keywords: Civil Society; organizations; performance; achievement; efficiency

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