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Importance of Commitment with Ethics Function and its Effect in Achieving Dimensions Excellence Organizational: An Empirical Study for the Same Opinion of the Employee in Hotel Babylon Rotana

Dr. Yousra Mohamed Hussin

Al-Isra University, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Tourism Sciences and Hotel Management, Iraq

202 - 216
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-02-27
Acceptance Date: 2024-05-21
Publication Date: 2024-06-02
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The research aims to demonstrate the importance of commitment to job ethics through the characteristics represented by the dimension (knowledge, generation of ideas, and power) in the hotel organization, through its application in the Babylon Rotana Hotel (five stars) in the city of Baghdad. The research adopted the descriptive-analytical approach. The research community included workers in the hotel organization, numbering (65). The questionnaire, which is the research tool, was distributed to them, and (50) questionnaires were returned, being suitable for statistical analysis. The results of the research showed that the level of commitment to job ethics in this The research is at a high level through the reality of field application in the hotel organization (the research sample). We also adopted the statistical program (SPSS) in the research, and then a number of conclusions were reached in the research, the most important of which were: The presence of a good level of organizational excellence in the organization studied according to the needs of the sample (managers, heads of departments, and divisions), and this shows interest and a good indicator (in knowledge, idea generation, and power), in addition to the fact that it must stand firmly in the face of the influences of the internal and external environment and the developments occurring in its quest to achieve organizational excellence. The research presented a number of results, the most important of which is: “The researched hotel organization adopted three pillars (knowledge, idea generation, and power) in job ethics, and they were centered to become reference standards for employees to organize knowledge and perceptions of matters. This means that they have the ability to understand, manage management, make decisions effectively, and generate ideas.” “It contributes to formulating the organization’s strategy compatible with environmental factors.”

Keywords: job ethics; hotel organization; Babylon Rotana Hotel

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