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The Impact of Financial Management Efficiency on the Financial Solvency of Banks on Iraq

Dr. Ghadhanfer A Hussein

Middle Technical University, Baquba Technical Institute, Iraq.

187 - 201
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-02-19
Acceptance Date: 2024-05-20
Publication Date: 2024-05-30
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The study aims to investigate the impact of financial management efficiency (financial planning, internal control, administrative control) on the financial solvency of Iraqi banks. The quantitative approach was used by developing a digital questionnaire that was distributed to a purposive sample of the study population, which includes senior management employees (General Director, Deputy Director, Financial Manager Administrative Manager) in the Iraqi banking sector, which number (13) banks. 99 valid questionnaires were retrieved for statistical analysis, and to answer the study’s questions and hypotheses, the data were analyzed using SPSS.

Keywords: Financial Planning; Internal Control; Administrative Control; Financial Solvency

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