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Role of Knowledge Management Processes on achieving Strategic Superiority - An Exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of National Security Service Officers

Azhar Kelkal Hussin

Al- Falujha University , Business Department, Iraq

Dr. Wesam Ali Husien

Al- Falujha University , Business Department, Iraq

156 - 186
Vol.17, Jan-Jun, 2024
Receiving Date: 2024-02-16
Acceptance Date: 2024-05-10
Publication Date: 2024-05-17
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Purpose of current research is to test effect of knowledge management processes in their dimensions (knowledge diagnosis, knowledge acquisition, knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge distribution, knowledge application) in improving strategic superiority in their dimensions (area of influence, psychological formation, competitive pressure) in national security apparatus. Due to importance of two variables investigated for agency from its future perspective and interest of research community and its sample in various administrative phenomena aimed at improving its strategic superiority from a sovereign orientation as a goal that should be viewed from multi-faceted perspectives, and on this basis, a research problem was embodied in its main question (Was the National Security Service able to invest in management operations? Knowledge in improving its strategic superiority?), so that this question would be the starting point for a research goal embodied in choosing exploratory descriptive analytical method as it is the most appropriate in this research direction, so that a questionnaire for research could be prepared from solid scientific standards adopted by previous studies and some expert professors and arbitrators made appropriate modifications to it, after knowing the community. and research included (650) of its leaders, represented by (General Director, Assistant General Director, Directorate Director, Department Director, Division Director), as the research sample was a stratified random (236) from the leadership community, to be collected and analyzed through the statistical program (AMOS V.25, SPSS. V.28) and through appropriate statistical methods (normal distribution tests, testing the scale’s validity, stability and confirmation after exploring it, mean, standard deviation, relative importance, coefficient of relative variation, Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression), so that practical analysis can be achieved through the data obtained. researcher drew from the sample answers to most prominent result embodied in National Security Agency’s focus on improving its strategic superiority well, which prompted it to adopt knowledge management processes to advance that superiority, especially since it adopted knowledge diagnosis, knowledge distribution, and knowledge application mainly for that purpose, in addition to His adoption of strategies aimed at improving the national security apparatus from the level of the sphere of influence by adopting the distribution of knowledge, the diagnosis of knowledge, the application of knowledge, and the acquisition of knowledge, which led him to adopt the diagnosis of knowledge and the application of knowledge in improving psychological formation, in addition to his resort to storing knowledge, distributing knowledge, and applying knowledge when it improves the level of competitive pressure.

Keywords: knowledge management process; National Security Service Officers; National Security Service Officers

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