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A Learning Report on the Nash Equilibrium in Game Theory for the Optimisation Method Class

Dr. Rajendra Singh

Associate Professor, HOD Department of Mathematics, Off. Principal MBP.G. College, Dadri, G.B. Nagar

47 - 56
Vol.16, Jul-Dec, 2023
Receiving Date: 2023-07-14
Acceptance Date: 2023-09-17
Publication Date: 2023-09-24
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Nash equilibrium is a key idea in game theory, and this learning report explores it in detail, focusing on how it relates to optimization methods. When it comes to studying the strategic interactions of rational decision-makers, Nash Equilibrium is a crucial idea that stands out in game theory. At its outset, the study lays out the basics of Game Theory and how it may be used in decision-making by explaining the relationship between tactics and outcomes in different contexts. Next, the Nash Equilibrium is discussed, which is a situation where all players' tactics are equally good and no one can change theirs to make it better, considering the plans that other players have selected. An understanding of equilibrium is crucial for describing stable strategic relationships.

Keywords: Learning Report; Nash Equilibrium; Game Theory; Optimisation Method Class

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