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Navale Sanjay Damodar

Department of Management, Himalayan University, Itanagar, A.P

Dr. Sujay Madhukar Khadilkar

Department of Management, Himalayan University, Itanagar, A.P

94 - 101
Vol.14, Jul-Dec, 2022
Receiving Date: 2022-09-02
Acceptance Date: 2022-10-12
Publication Date: 2022-10-24
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The significance of the current study is primarily to recognise tools and techniques that enhance the strategic role of HRM, and from the research studies it is found that High Performance Work Practices found to be one of the methods in this context. Additionally, the significance of the present study is fundamentally to recognise tools and techniques which enhance the strategic role of HRM. The following parts investigate the idea of HPWPs, highlighting the importance of the current research in the process: Workplaces that prioritise high performance need novel approaches to the organisation of work, the provision of incentives for success, and the participation of workers in the decision-making process. The goal of implementing High-Performance Work Practices is to transform individuals and supervisors into lifelong learners who are able to successfully adapt to changing circumstances. These practises' purpose within organisations is to establish an ongoing process of evaluation, modification, development, implementation, and reassessment that can keep up with the pace of change in the external market conditions. Their role in this regard is to play a role in creating a continuous process. In the current research, both the workers' intrinsic needs and their extrinsic requirements, also known as their contemporary needs, were analysed to determine which of these needs had the most significant bearing on employee motivation. The Ranking technique and t-test (paired two sample) are used in order to conduct an analysis of the many kinds of demands that are now present in the various sectors.

Keywords: Team; employees; values

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