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Dr. Ahmed Allawi Saadoun

University Of Al Qadisiyah, College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Iraq.

65 - 72
Vol. 8, Jul-Dec, 2019
Receiving Date: 2019-07-02
Acceptance Date: 2019-08-20
Publication Date: 2019-09-06
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The study aimed to identify the relationship between divided attention as a visual ability focused on the most exciting and effective attack on table tennis players was the problem of research by the observation of the researcher being a table tennis coach and consulting the experts in this game, noting that there is a lack of attention And the focus between the movement of the opponent and the movement of the ball, making it difficult to predict the place of the fall of the ball and attack effectively and properly so the search loan that the existence of a replica watches relationship of statistical significance between the divided attention and the effectiveness of the attack of table tennis players field research has chosen The researcher used the descriptive approach to suit the nature of the research. The sample of the players of Al-Qadisiya University's team in table tennis was used. The researcher used a test tool to test the divided attention and test the effectiveness of the attack. After replica watches uk the results were unloaded and sorted, the researcher concluded there is a positive relationship between the divided attention of the players and the effectiveness of the attack in table tennis. The researcher recommends the researcher to create a training program to develop the divided attention of table tennis players.

Keywords: table tennis player; visual ability; divided attention

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